List of All Air Force Jobs
All Enlisted Air Force Jobs
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1A0X1 - In-Flight Refueling
1A1X1 - Flight Engineer
1A2X1 - Aircraft Loadmaster
1A3X1 - Airborne Mission System
1A6X1 - Flight Attendant
1A8X1 - Airborne Cryptologic Language Analyst
1A8X2 - Airborne Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (ISR) Operator
1A9X1 - Special Missions Aviator
1B4X1 - Cyber Warfare Operations
1C0X2 - Aviation Resource Management
1C1X1 - Air Traffic Control
1C3X1 - Command and Control Operations
1C5X1 - Command and Control Battle Management Operations
1C6X1 - Space Systems Operations
1C7X1 - Airfield Management Specialist
1C8X3 - Radar, Airfield & Weather Systems
1D7X1 - Cyber Defense Operations
1D7X3 - Cable and Antenna Systems
1N0X1 - Operations Intelligence
1N1X1 - Geospatial Intelligence
1N2X1 - Signals Intelligence Analyst
1N3X1 - Cryptologic Language Analyst
1N4X1 - Fusion Analyst
1POX1 - Aircrew Flight Equipment
1S0X1 - Safety
1T0X1 - Survival, Evasion, Resistance and Escape (SERE)
1U0X1 - Remotely Piloted Aircraft (RPA) Sensor Operator
1W0X1 - Weather
1Z1X1 - Pararescue (PJ)
1Z2X1 - Combat Control
1Z3X1 - Tactical Air Control Party (TACP)
1Z4X1 - Special Reconnaissance
2A0X1 - Avionics Test Station and Components
2A3X3 - Tactical Aircraft Maintenance
2A3X4 - Fighter Aircraft Integrated Avionics
2A3X5 - Advanced Fighter Aircraft Integrated Avionics
2A5X1 - Airlift/Special Mission Aircraft Maintenance
2A5X2 - Helicopter/Tiltrotor Aircraft Maintenance
2A5X3 - Mobility Air Forces Electronic Warfare Systems
2A5X4 - Refuel/Bomber Aircraft Maintenance
2A6X1 - Aerospace Propulsion
2A6X2 - Aerospace Ground Equipment (AGE)
2A6X3 - Aircrew Egress Systems
2A6X4 - Aircraft Fuel Systems
2A6X5 - Aircraft Hydraulic Systems
2A6X6 - Aircraft Electrical and Environmental Systems (E&E)
2A7X1 - Aircraft Metals Technology (Metals Tech)
2A7X2 - Nondestructive Inspection (NDI)
2A7X3 - Aircraft Structural Maintenance (Sheet Metal)
2A7X5 - Low Observable Aircraft Structural Maintenance
2A9X1 - Bomber/Special Integrated Communication/Navigation/Mission Systems
2F0X1 - Fuels
2G0X1 - Logistics Plans
2M0X1 - Missile and Space Systems Electronic Maintenance
2M0X2 - Missile and Space Systems Maintenance
2M0X3 - Missile and Space Facilities
2P0X1 - Precision Measurement Equipment Laboratory (PMEL)
2R0X1 - Maintenance Management Analysis
2R1X1 - Maintenance Management Production
2S0X1 - Materiel Management
2T0X1 - Traffic Management
2T1X1 - Ground Transportation
2T2X1 - Air Transportation
2T3X1 - Mission Generation Vehicular Equipment Maintenance
2W0X1 - Munitions Systems
2W1X1 - Aircraft Armament Systems
2W2X1 - Nuclear Weapons
3E0X1 - Electrical Systems
3E0X2 - Electrical Power Production
3E1X1 - Heating, Ventilation, AC, Refrigeration (HVAC/R)
3E2X1 - Pavement and Construction Equipment
3E3X1 - Structural
3E4X1 - Water and Fuel Systems Maintenance
3E4X3 - Pest Management
3E5X1 - Engineering
3E6X1 - Operations Management
3E7X1 - Fire Protection
3E8X1 - Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD)
3E9X1 - Emergency Management
3F0X1 - Personnel
3F1X1 - Services
3F5X1 - Administration
3N0X6 - Public Affairs
3N1X1 - Regional Band
3P0X1 - Security Forces
4A0X1 - Health Services Management
4A1X1 - Medical Materiel
4A2X1 - Biomedical Equipment
4C0X1 - Mental Health Service
4D0X1 - Diet Therapy
4E0X1 - Public Health
4M0X1 - Aerospace and Operational Physiology
4N0X1 - Aerospace Medical Service
4N1X1 - Surgical Service
4P0X1 - Pharmacy (Pharmacy Technician)
4R0X1 - Diagnostic Imaging
4T0X1 - Medical Laboratory
4T0X2 - Histopathology
4V0X1 - Ophthalmic (Ophthalmic Technician)
4Y0X1 - Dental Assistant
4Y0X2 - Dental Laboratory
5J0X1 - Paralegal
6C0X1 - Contracting
6F0X1 - Financial Management and Comptroller
Special Duty Career Fields & Miscellaneous AFSC codes
7S0X1 - Special Investigations
8A100 - Career Assistance Adviser
8A200 - Enlisted Aide
8B000 - Military Training Instructor
8B100 - Military Training Leader
8B200 - Academy Military Training NCO
8C000 - Airmen/Family Readiness Center
8D000 - Strategic Debriefer
8F000 - First Sergeant
8G000 - Honor Guard
8H000 - Airman Dorm Leader
8M000 - Postal
8P000 - Courier
8P100 - Defense Attaché
8R000 - Enlisted Accessions Recruiter
8R200 - Second-Tier Recruiter
8R300 - Third-Tier Recruiter
8S000 - Missile Facility Manager
8T000 - Professional Military Education Instructor
9A000 - Awaiting Retraining-Reasons Beyond Control
9A100 - Awaiting Retraining-Reasons Within Control
9A200 - Awaiting Discharge, Separation, Retirement for Reasons Within Their Control
9A300 - Awaiting Discharge, Separation, Retirement for Reasons Beyond Their Control
9C000 - Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force
9D000 - Dormitory Manager
9E000 - Command Chief Master Sergeant
9F000 - First Term Airmen Center (FTAC)
9G100 - Group Superintendent
9J000 - Prisoner
9L000 - Interpreter/Translator
9P000 - Patient
9R000 - Civil Air Patrol-USAF Reserve Assistance NCO
9S100 - Scientific Applications Specialist
9T000 -Basic Enlisted Airman
9T100 - Officer Trainee
9T200 - Pre-Cadet Assignee
9W000 - Wounded Warrior